About AEA

AEA - The Association Education Alliance, LLC


Formed in 1991 by five wholesale-distributor trade associations; PTDA, AHTD, EASA, FPDA and NAHAD, AEA has 40+ trade association members. The top executives from each of these associations meet biannually to work toward meeting the objectives of AEA.


AEA Operating Agreement

AEA under which this Operating Agreement (Agreement) is made is organized under the Illinois Limited Liability Company Act. This Agreement is made and entered into the eighth day of June, 2005 and amended the second day of January, 2023 by and among AEA (through its Managers) and the Members as approved in accordance with this agreement and considered a member in good standing.

View the 2023 Operating Agreement

Vision Statement:

The vision of the Association Education Alliance is to ensure non-profit associations anticipate and suitably meet the challenges facing their members, through educational opportunities, new programs and services, and valuable networking experiences.


Through collaboration, AEA develops and supports relevant, quality, and affordable programs for its member associations and promotes a culture of open communication and sharing to strengthen collaboration and drive results.


  • Continually enhance industry education and training through the University of Innovative Distribution to ensure it retains its reputation as cutting-edge and a must-attend” program;
  • Ensure its communications and in-person meetings are informative and relevant to member needs;
  • Provide new services and programs for its member associations that will benefit their constituencies;
  • Create a collaborative culture that allows for and encourages the free flow of discussion and sharing.

AEA Staff

Executive Director
Thomas Stefaniak

Member Services Manager
Baha Kandirmaz

Meetings Manager
Caroline Bentley

Sponsorship Director
John Ross

Marketing Manager
Zackary Jarman

Production Manager
Jansen Vera

Nicole Babishoff

Website Manager
Deryck White

Contact Us

Association Education Alliance, LLC
1300 Piccard Dr.
Suite LL 14
Rockville, MD 20850
P: (240) 760-2492

Board Members

Kevin Gammonley
Officer, Emeritus

Kitty Lasinski

Luci Ward

Mark Swets
Board Chair

Bryan White
Immediate Past Chair