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020. Personal Leadership & Time Management (afternoon)

Instructor: Steve McClatchy

Level of Complexity: Foundational
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Understanding the psychology of what drives every decision you make empowers you to spend more of your time on the things that actually improve your life and your business, not just maintain them. Consistently improving your life and achieving your goals is not easy. The problem is that goals mean improvement, and improvement means change and change is not always welcome. Just as a business must never stop learning, improving, and innovating to lead in the marketplace, as individuals we are faced with this same challenge. In this presentation, you will learn which decisions accelerate your success, increase your engagement, reduce your stress, prevent burnout and restore the feeling of balance.
Steve’s infectious energy and thought-provoking style will inspire you with specific actionable content that you can put into practice immediately. If you are interested in learning a decision-making system that can help you achieve more, overcome obstacles, and help you embrace the change that comes with improvement, this is a “don’t miss” presentation.

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The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections

Thea Dudley

The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections

Being responsible for the credit and collections function in the construction industry is never any little kid's dream. But somebody's got to do it.


In The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections, Thea Dudley presents an honest, open, and often hilarious account of her journey through opening contractors with credit lines, collecting, or chasing the payments, managing sales reps, teams and bosses.


Dudley shares her insights into succeeding in keeping your business cash flow moving while still salvaging the customer. She offers practical advice for protecting and collecting your money — written in plain, straightforward language that helps connects the dots. This is a must-read guide for anyone in the construction and building material industry.

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