Everyone has turned into an AI expert and the amount of noise in the field is overwhelming. Mike is actively working with deploying multiple AI applications with industrial distributors today. This session starts with a quick overview for those who aren't already using ChatGPT or any of the other models in use today. Those with online access in the class will be able to set up a free account and actually be able to try out the tools for their own use.
The focus of the session after the brief overview is to look at how these tools are being used in distributors today. Many examples of specific firms and their deployments will be shared. While these innovative firms are classed as early adopters, it is interesting that many of the examples are from smaller owner-operator firms. The costs for many deployments that produce specific paybacks are comparable to the loaded costs of a senior field sales rep.
The session will include a deep dive into agents and how they have dramatically reduced the costs of developing an application. Agents are the links between the LLMs (Large Language Models) and real world process integration and automation. Mike will build a live AI application tool with audience interaction. Participants will receive copies of all presentation materials and a number of additional research links for further investigation.
Learning Objectives: