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004. Managing Transportation in Global Supply Chains and Reducing Landed Costs (morning)

Instructor: Thomas Cook

Level of Complexity: Foundational
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The pandemic is behind us, yet numerous geo-political, economic, and climate challenges continue to create disruption in global supply chains in the form of delays, cost, shortages, capacity and much frustration. The session will frame the issues and offer guidance and strategy on mitigating options. The course spans a range of steps that can be taken to reduce landed costs and make for more competitive opportunities in supply chain management, including a deeper dive on specific strategies such as the implementation of Foreign Trade Zones. Topics include: • Disruption in Global Supply Chains • Managing Issues in the Transportation Infrastructure • Opportunities to Reduce Freight, Logistics and Overall Transportation Costs • Foreign Trade Zone Benefits, Opportunities and Operational Requirements • Best Practices in Global Supply Chain Management

Learning Objectives:

  1. Through real-world examples, case studies, and interactive discussion, participants will expand their awareness of strategies that improve supply chain predictability and reliability.
  2. How to reduce supply chain risk and spend.
  3. How to operate productively in an environment of unpredictability and variability.

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Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success

Colleen Stanley

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In Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success, you'll learn how to increase impulse control for better questioning and listening, which EI skills are related to likability and trust, how empathy leads to bigger sales conversations and more effective solutions, how emotional intelligence can improve prospecting efforts, which EI skills are most common among top sales producers, and much more.

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