Complete Story
Jon Schreibfeder
Jon Schreibfeder is president of Effective Inventory Management, Inc., a firm dedicated to helping manufacturers, distributors, and large retailers get the most out of their investment in stock inventory.
For over 20 years, Jon has served as an inventory management consultant to over two thousand firms to improve their productivity and profitability through better inventory management. Jon has designed several inventory management computer systems and has also served as a distribution industry “troubleshooter” for two major computer companies.
Mastering Import and Export Management: Edition 3
Thomas Cook
With billions of dollars generated annually, importing and exporting is a potentially lucrative arena for growthand a bewildering tangle of rules and regulations. Packed with hundreds of cost-effective strategies, ready-to-use forms, and valuable checklists, the 3rd edition explains how to efficiently & legally navigate the complex world of international trade documentation accurately and more.